The sports events scheduled in Romania within the Move4Nature project were carried out in partnership with school units and fitness clubs from the northern region of the country.
They had a double role, that of providing ecological education to students but also that of organizing and carrying out outdoor trekking and hiking activities in safe conditions. The rich natural setting of the Bucovina historical area, with many nature reserves and mountain tourist attractions, made the scheduled events of major intensity for the participants.
For all 3 major organized events, the participating students and teachers were given technical training in order to safely travel the proposed routes.
The first event took place in partnership with primary school students at the Suceava Sports High School. They traveled for two days to two protected natural areas highly visited by tourists: Pietrele Doamnei Massif (1400 m) and Cheile Moara Dracului Gorge. The 20 students and 5 teachers were delighted by the spectacular landscapes seen but also by the fact that the tourist routes were clean and well maintained, with few exceptions.
The second event took place in partnership with Petru Comarnescu Gura Humorului Secondary School. The 30 students and 4 teachers proposed to climb a mountain peak near the historical village of Vama. During the ascent they were surprised by a torrential rain and thunder and lightning. Given the danger to which they were exposed, they decided to interrupt the ascent and shelter the group in the houses of the locals. After the storm subsided the whole group returned home safely. That’s why the event was rescheduled after 3 days at another location, near the Ariniș Dendrological Park, near the city of Gura Humorului. There the group was able to make the ascent safely while also cleaning the route of the debris left by the other tourists who visited the area.
The third event included the participation of 30 adults and children, members of a local fitness club as well as volunteers of our organization. It took place on a rather difficult route with the final goal being the ascent of Giumalau Peak (1858 m). The proper equipment made everything run safely. The cleaning of the rather long route was done in sections, with storage areas for the collected waste being established from the start, so that they can then be taken back to the base.
In all 3 activities, the members of our organization made sure that all participants had the appropriate equipment for the weather forecast and the proposed route, had minimal knowledge about the fauna and flora in the area and the rules to be followed in case of incidents on the route.